Tulip Toledo V-Dissector - Liposuction Cannula
Tulip Toledo V-Dissector - Liposuction Cannula
Designed by Dr. Luis Toledo, this multipurpose instrument undermines and releases connective tissue and injects new tissue into the space.
This cannula is specifically designed for use in the superficial compartment of the truncal area. The cutting notch is very useful for undermining in facial procedures and in dense, fibrous tissue. It may also be used to undermine acne scars that then may be augmented with autologous tissue through the distal orifice.
This cannula is specifically designed for use in the superficial compartment of the truncal area. The cutting notch is very useful for undermining in facial procedures and in dense, fibrous tissue. It may also be used to undermine acne scars that then may be augmented with autologous tissue through the distal orifice.